pyLIMA.microlxallarap module¶
(ra_xallarap, dec_xallarap)[source]¶ This function define the North and East vectors projected on the sky plane perpendicular to the line of sight (i.e the line define by ra,dec of the center of mass of the source binary).
:param float ra_xallarap : the right acsension of the source binary center of mass in degree. :param float dec_xallarap : the declinaision of the source binary center of mass in degree. :return: the North and East vectors projected in the sky plan for this trajectory :rtype: array_like, array_like
(XiE, orbital_elements, mode='circular')[source]¶ Compute the curvature induce by the xallarap deltas_positions of a telescope.
Parameters: - XiE (array_like) – the microlensing xallarap vector. Have a look :
- delta_positions (array_like) – the delta_positions of the telescope. More details in microlparallax module.
Returns: delta_tau and delta_u, the shift introduce by parallax
Return type: array_like,array_like
(mean_anomaly, eccentricity)[source]¶ Find the true anomaly from the mean anomaly (i.e solve Kepler equation). :param float mean_anomaly : the mean_anomaly of your orbit. :param float eccentricity: the eccentricity of your ellipse. :return: the true anomaly of your orbit :rtype: float
(time_to_treat, ra_xallarap, dec_xallarap, orbital_period, eccentricity, time_periastron)[source]¶ - Compute the delta positions induced by the source xallarap. See Miyake et al 2012 :
- for more details.
:param array_like time_to_treat : the time you looking at. :param float ra_xallarap : the right acsension of the source binary center of mass in degree. :param float dec_xallarap : the declinaision of the source binary center of mass in degree. :param float oribtal_period : the orbital period of your orbit in days. :param float eccentricity: the eccentricity of your ellipse. :param float time_periastron: the time passage at periastron.
Returns: deltas_positions, the shift in North and East cooridnates due to the mouvement of the source. Return type: array_like
(time_to_treat, ra_xallarap, dec_xallarap, orbital_period)[source]¶ - Compute the delta positions induced by the source xallarap. See Miyake et al 2012 :
- for more details.
:param array_like time_to_treat : the time you looking at. :param float ra_xallarap : the right acsension of the source binary center of mass in degree. :param float dec_xallarap : the declinaision of the source binary center of mass in degree. :param float oribtal_period : the orbital period of your orbit in days. :param float eccentricity: the eccentricity of your ellipse. :param float time_periastron: the time passage at periastron.
Returns: deltas_positions, the shift in North and East cooridnates due to the mouvement of the source. Return type: array_like