pyLIMA.microlparallax module

Created on Wed Oct 28 11:49:44 2015

@author: ebachelet

class pyLIMA.microlparallax.MLParallaxes(event, parallax_model)[source]

Bases: object

######## Parallax module ########

This module compute the parallax shifts due to different parallax effects.

Attributes :

event : the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.

parallax_model : The parallax effect you want to fit. Have to be a list containing the parallax model name and the reference time to_par (in JD unit). Example : [‘Annual’,2457000.0]

AU : the astronomical unit, as defined by astropy (in meter)

speed_of_light : the speed light c, as defined by astropy (in meter/second)

Earth_radius : the Earth equatorial radius, as defined by astropy (in meter)

target_angles_in_the_sky : a list containing [RA,DEC] of the target in radians unit.

  • event – the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.
  • parallax_model – The parallax effect you want to fit. Have to be a list containing the
parallax model name
and the to_par value. Example : [‘Annual’,2457000.0]

Transform the input time from HJD to JD.

Parameters:time_to_transform (array_like) – the numpy array containing the time in HJD you want

to transform in JD. :return: the time in JD :rtype: array_like


This function define the North and East vectors projected on the sky plane perpendicular to the line of sight (i.e the line define by RA,DEC of the event).


Compute the position shift due to the Earth movement. Please have a look on : “Resolution of the MACHO-LMC-5 Puzzle: The Jerk-Parallax Microlens Degeneracy” Gould, Andrew 2004.

Parameters:time_to_treat – a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this

effect. :return: the shift induce by the Earth motion around the Sun :rtype: array_like

WARNING : this is a geocentric point of view.
slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5
lonely_satellite(time_to_treat, telescope)[source]

Compute, and set, the deltas_positions attributes of the telescope object inside the list of telescopes. deltas_positions is the offset between the position of the observatory at the time t, and the center of the Earth at the date to_par. More details on each parallax functions.

Parameters:telescope (object) – a telescope object on which you want to set the deltas_positions

due to parallax.

space_parallax(time_to_treat, satellite_name, telescope)[source]

Compute the position shift due to the distance of the obervatories from the Earth center. Please have a look on : “Parallax effects in binary microlensing events” Hardy, S.J and Walker, M.A. 1995.

Parameters:time_to_treat – a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this

effect. :param satellite_name: the name of the observatory. Have to be recognize by JPL HORIZON. :return: the shift induce by the distance of the telescope to the Earth center. :rtype: array_like WARNING : slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

terrestrial_parallax(time_to_treat, altitude, longitude, latitude)[source]

Compute the position shift due to the distance of the obervatories from the Earth center. Please have a look on : “Parallax effects in binary microlensing events” Hardy, S.J and Walker, M.A. 1995.

Parameters:time_to_treat – a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this

effect. :param altitude: the altitude of the telescope in meter :param longitude: the longitude of the telescope in degree :param latitude: the latitude of the telescope in degree :return: the shift induce by the distance of the telescope to the Earth center. :rtype: array_like

WARNING : slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

pyLIMA.microlparallax.compute_parallax_curvature(piE, delta_positions)[source]

Compute the curvature induce by the parallax of from deltas_positions of a telescope.


delta_tau and delta_u, the shift introduce by parallax

Return type:



Transform observatory names to JPL horizon codes. Write by Tim Lister, thanks :)

Parameters:observatory (str) – the satellite name you would like to obtain ephemeris. As to be in the dictionnary JPL_HORIZONS_ID (exact name matching!).
Returns:the JPL ID of your satellite.
Return type:int
pyLIMA.microlparallax.optcallback(socket, command, option)[source]

Write by Tim Lister, thanks :)

pyLIMA.microlparallax.produce_horizons_ephem(body, start_time, end_time, observatory='ELP', step_size='60m', verbose=False)[source]

Write by Tim Lister. Thanks for sharing :) Produce RA,DEC and distance from the Geocentric Center.