pyLIMA.microlfits module

Created on Thu Aug 27 16:39:32 2015

@author: ebachelet

class pyLIMA.microlfits.MLFits(event)[source]

Bases: object

######## Fitter module ########

This class contains the method to fit the event with the selected attributes.

WARNING: All fits (and so results) are made using data in flux.

Attributes :

event : the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.

model : The microlensing model you want to fit. Has to be an object define in
microlmodels module. More details on the microlmodels module.

method : The fitting method you want to use for the fit.

guess : The guess you can give to the fit or the guess return by the initial_guess function.

fit_results : the fit parameters returned by method LM and DE.

fit_covariance : the fit parameters covariance matrix returned by method LM and DE.

fit_time : the time needed to fit.

MCMC_chains : the MCMC chains returns by the MCMC method

MCMC_probabilities : the objective function computed for each chains of the MCMC method

fluxes_MCMC_method : a string describing how you want to estimate the model fluxes for the MCMC method.

outputs : the standard pyLIMA outputs. More details in the microloutputs module.

Parameters:event (object) – the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.

Return the analytical Jacobian matrix, if requested by method LM. Available only for PSPL and FSPL without second_order.

Parameters:fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding fitting routine.
Returns:a numpy array which represents the jacobian matrix
Return type:array_like

The MCMC method. Construct starting points of the chains around the best solution found by the ‘DE’ method. The objective function is chichi_MCMC(). Telescope flux (fs and g), can be optimized thanks to MCMC if flux_estimation_MCMC is ‘MCMC’, either they are derived through np.polyfit.

Based on the emcee python package : ” emcee: The MCMC Hammer” (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013). Have a look here :

Returns:a tuple containing (MCMC_chains, MCMC_probabilities)
Return type:tuple
nwalkers is set to 100 nlinks is set to 300 5*nwalkers*nlinks MCMC steps in total

Compute the residuals of all telescopes according to the model.

Parameters:pyLIMA_parameters (object) – object containing the model parameters, see microlmodels for more details
Returns:the residuals in flux,
Return type:list, a list of array of residuals in flux

Check if the fit results and covariance make sens.

0.0 terms or a negative term in the diagonal covariance matrix indicate the fit is not reliable.

A negative source flux is also counted as a bad fit.

A negative rho or rho> 0.1 is also consider as a bad fit

Returns:a flag indicated good or bad fit (‘Good Fit’ or ‘Bad Fit’)
Return type:string

Return the chi^2 for the MCMC method. There is some priors here.

Parameters:fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding fitting routine.
Returns:here, the return is -chi^2/2 (likelihood)
Return type:float

Return the chi^2 for the DE method.

Parameters:fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding

fitting routine.

Returns:the chi^2
Return type:float
chichi_grids(moving_parameters, *fix_parameters)[source]

Compute chi^2. ON CONSTRUCTION.


Return a list of chi^2 (float) for individuals telescopes.

Parameters:fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding fitting routine.
Returns:the chi^2 for each telescopes
Return type:list

Define the grid. ON CONSTRUCTION.


The DE method. Differential evolution algorithm. The objective function is chichi_differential_evolution(). The flux parameters are estimated through np.polyfit.

Based on the scipy.optimize.differential_evolution. Look Storn & Price (1997) : “Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for global Optimization over Continuous Spaces”

return:a tuple containing (fit_results, fit_covariance, computation_time)

tol (relative standard deviation of the objective function) is set to 10^-4

popsize (the total number of individuals is : popsize*number_of_paczynski_parameters) is set to DE_population_size

mutation is set to (0.1, 1.5)

recombination is set to 0.7

These parameters can avoid the fit to properly converge (expected to be rare :)). Just relaunch should be fine.

find_fluxes(fit_process_parameters, model)[source]

Find telescopes flux associated (fs,g) to the model. Used for initial_guess and LM method.

  • fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding fitting routine.
  • model (object) – a microlmodels which you want to compute the fs,g parameters.

a list of tuple with the (fs,g) telescopes flux parameters.

Return type:



Compute models on a grid. ON CONSTRUCTION.


Try to estimate the microlensing parameters. Only use for PSPL and FSPL models. More details on microlguess module.

Return guess_parameters:
 a list containing parameters guess related to the model.
Return type:list

The LM method. This is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:

“A Method for the Solution of Certain Problems in Least Squares” Levenberg, K. Quart. Appl. Math. 2, 1944, p. 164-168 “An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters” Marquardt, D. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 11, 1963, p. 431-441

Based on scipy.optimize.leastsq python routine, which is based on MINPACK’s lmdif and lmder algorithms (fortran based).

The objective function is residuals_LM(). The starting point parameters are self.guess. the Jacobian is given by LM_Jacobian().

The fit is performed on all parameters : Paczynski parameters and telescopes fluxes.

Returns:a tuple containing (fit_results, covariance_matrix, computation_time)
Return type:tuple
ftol (relative error desired in the sum of square) is set to 10^-6 maxfev (maximum number of function call) is set to 50000 These limits can avoid the fit to properly converge (expected to be rare :))
mlfit(model, method, DE_population_size=10, flux_estimation_MCMC='MCMC', fix_parameters_dictionnary=None, grid_resolution=10, computational_pool=None, binary_regime=None)[source]

This function realize the requested microlensing fit, and set the according results attributes.

  • model (object) – the model object requested. More details on the microlmodels module.
  • method (string) –

    The fitting method you want to use. Has to be a string in :

    ‘LM’ –> Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Based on the scipy.optimize.leastsq routine.

    WARNING : the parameter maxfev (number of maximum iterations) is set to 50000 the parameter ftol (relative precision on the chi^2) is set to 0.00001 your fit may not converge because of these limits. The starting points of this method are found using the initial_guess method. Obviously, this can fail. In this case, switch to method ‘DE’.

    ‘DE’ –> Differential evolution algoritm. Based on the scipy.optimize.differential_evolution.

    Look Storn & Price (1997) : “Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for global Optimization over Continuous Spaces” Because this method is heuristic, it is not 100% sure a satisfying solution is found. Just relaunch :) The result is then use as a starting point for the ‘LM’ method.

    ‘MCMC’ –> Monte-Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. Based on the emcee python package :

    ” emcee: The MCMC Hammer” (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013). The inital population is computed around the best solution returned by the ‘DE’ method.
  • DE_population_size (int) – The population factor desired for the DE method. Default is 10.
  • flux_estimation_MCMC (string) – The desired method to estimate the fluxes (f_source and g) of the telescopes. ‘MCMC’ will do this through an MCMC method (default) when everything else will do this thanks to a 1D polyfit through np.polyfit.

Note that a sanity check is done post-fit to assess the fit quality with the check_fit function.

model_residuals(telescope, pyLIMA_parameters)[source]

Compute the residuals of a telescope lightcurve according to the model.

  • telescope (object) – a telescope object. More details in telescopes module.
  • pyLIMA_parameters (object) – object containing the model parameters, see microlmodels for more details

the residuals in flux, the priors

Return type:

array_like, float


Produce the standard outputs for a fit. More details in microloutputs module.


Produce the standard outputs for a fit. More details in microloutputs module.



reconstruct_fit_process_parameters(moving_parameters, fix_parameters)[source]

Reconstruc parameters. ON CONSTRUCTION.


Recompute the parameters boundaries. ON CONSTRUCTION.


The normalized residuals associated to the model and parameters.

Parameters:fit_process_parameters (list) – the model parameters ingested by the correpsonding fitting routine.
Returns:a numpy array which represents the residuals_i for each telescope, residuals_i=(data_i-model_i)/sigma_i
Return type:array_like

The sum of square residuals gives chi^2.
