Source code for pyLIMA.microloutputs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov  9 16:38:14 2015

@author: ebachelet
from __future__ import division
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
import collections
import copy

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from scipy.stats.distributions import t as student

import microltoolbox

plot_lightcurve_windows = 0.2
plot_residuals_windows = 0.2

[docs]def LM_outputs(fit): """Standard 'LM' and 'DE' outputs. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a namedtuple containing the following attributes : fit_parameters : an namedtuple object containing all the fitted parameters fit_errors : an namedtuple object containing all the fitted parameters errors fit_correlation_matrix : a numpy array representing the fitted parameters correlation matrix figure_lightcurve : a two matplotlib figure showing the data and model and the correspoding residuals :rtype: object """ results = LM_parameters_result(fit) covariance_matrix = fit.fit_covariance errors = LM_fit_errors(fit) correlation_matrix = cov2corr(covariance_matrix) figure_lightcurve = LM_plot_lightcurves(fit) # figure_parameters = LM_plot_parameters(fit) key_outputs = ['fit_parameters', 'fit_errors', 'fit_correlation_matrix', 'figure_lightcurve'] outputs = collections.namedtuple('Fit_outputs', key_outputs) values_outputs = [results, errors, correlation_matrix, figure_lightcurve] count = 0 for key in key_outputs: setattr(outputs, key, values_outputs[count]) count += 1 return outputs
[docs]def MCMC_outputs(fit): """Standard 'LM' and 'DE' outputs. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a namedtuple containing the following attributes : MCMC_chains : a numpy array containing all the parameters chains + the corresponding objective function. MCMC_correlations : a numpy array representing the fitted parameters correlation matrix from the MCMC chains figure_lightcurve : a two matplotlib subplot showing the data and 35 models and the residuals corresponding to the best model. figure_distributions : a multiple matplotlib subplot representing the parameters distributions (2D slice + histogram) :rtype: object """ chains = fit.MCMC_chains probabilities = fit.MCMC_probabilities CHAINS = chains[:, :, 0].ravel() for i in xrange(chains[0].shape[1] - 1): i += 1 CHAINS = np.c_[CHAINS, chains[:, :, i].ravel()] CHAINS_NO_FLUXES = np.c_[CHAINS, probabilities.ravel()] if chains[0].shape[1] != len(fit.model.model_dictionnary): fluxes = MCMC_compute_fs_g(fit, CHAINS) CHAINS = np.c_[CHAINS, fluxes, probabilities.ravel()] best_proba = np.argmax(CHAINS[:, -1]) # cut to 6 sigma for plots index = np.where(CHAINS[:, -1] > CHAINS[best_proba, -1] - 36)[0] BEST = CHAINS[index] BEST = BEST[BEST[:, -1].argsort(),] BEST_PARAMETERS = CHAINS_NO_FLUXES[index] BEST_PARAMETERS = BEST_PARAMETERS[BEST_PARAMETERS[:, -1].argsort(),] covariance_matrix = MCMC_covariance(CHAINS) correlation_matrix = cov2corr(covariance_matrix) figure_lightcurve = MCMC_plot_lightcurves(fit, BEST) figure_distributions = MCMC_plot_parameters_distribution(fit, BEST_PARAMETERS) key_outputs = ['MCMC_chains', 'MCMC_correlations', 'figure_lightcurve', 'figure_distributions'] outputs = collections.namedtuple('Fit_outputs', key_outputs) values_outputs = [CHAINS, correlation_matrix, figure_lightcurve, figure_distributions] count = 0 for key in key_outputs: setattr(outputs, key, values_outputs[count]) count += 1 return outputs
[docs]def MCMC_compute_fs_g(fit, mcmc_chains): """ Compute the corresponding source flux fs and blending factor g corresponding to each mcmc chain. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param mcmc_chains: a numpy array representing the mcmc chains. :return: a numpy array containing the corresponding fluxes parameters :rtype: array_type """ Fluxes = np.zeros((len(mcmc_chains), 2 * len(fit.event.telescopes))) for i in xrange(len(mcmc_chains)): if Fluxes[i][0] == 0: index = np.where(mcmc_chains == mcmc_chains[i])[0] fluxes = fit.find_fluxes(mcmc_chains[i], fit.model) Fluxes[np.unique(index)] = fluxes return Fluxes
[docs]def MCMC_plot_parameters_distribution(fit, mcmc_best): """ Plot the fit parameters distributions. Only plot the best mcmc_chains are plotted. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param mcmc_best: a numpy array representing the best (<= 6 sigma) mcmc chains. :return: a multiple matplotlib subplot representing the parameters distributions (2D slice + histogram) :rtype: matplotlib_figure """ dimensions = mcmc_best.shape[1] - 1 figure_distributions, axes2 = plt.subplots(dimensions, dimensions, sharex='col') count_i = 0 # unique_mcmc_individuals = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in mcmc_best}) for key_i in fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys()[: dimensions]: axes2[count_i, 0].set_ylabel(key_i) axes2[-1, count_i].set_xlabel(key_i) count_j = 0 for key_j in fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys()[: dimensions]: axes2[count_i, count_j].ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') if count_i != dimensions - 1: plt.setp(axes2[count_i, count_j].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if (count_j != 0) and (count_j != count_i): plt.setp(axes2[count_i, count_j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if count_i == count_j: axes2[count_i, count_j].hist(mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_i]], 100) axes2[count_i, count_j].locator_params(nbins=dimensions / 2) else: if count_j < count_i: axes2[count_i, count_j].scatter( mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_j]], mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_i]], c=mcmc_best[:, -1], edgecolor='None') axes2[count_i, count_j].set_xlim( [min(mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_j]]), max(mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_j]])]) axes2[count_i, count_j].set_ylim( [min(mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_i]]), max(mcmc_best[:, fit.model.model_dictionnary[key_i]])]) axes2[count_i, count_j].locator_params(nbins=dimensions / 2) else: axes2[count_i, count_j].axis('off') count_j += 1 count_i += 1 return figure_distributions
[docs]def MCMC_plot_lightcurves(fit, mcmc_best): """Plot 35 models from the mcmc_best sample. This is made to have 35 models equally spaced in term of objective funtion (~chichi) :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param mcmc_best: a numpy array representing the best (<= 6 sigma) mcmc chains. :return: a two matplotlib subplot showing the data and 35 models and the residuals corresponding to the best model. :rtype: matplotlib_figure """ figure_lightcurves, figure_axes = initialize_plot_lightcurve(fit) MCMC_plot_align_data(fit, mcmc_best[0], figure_axes[0]) model_panel_chichi = np.linspace(max(mcmc_best[:, -1]), min(mcmc_best[:, -1]), 35).astype(int) color_normalization = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(mcmc_best[:, -1]), vmax=np.max(mcmc_best[:, -1])) color_map = scalar_couleur_map =, norm=color_normalization) scalar_couleur_map.set_array([]) for model_chichi in model_panel_chichi: indice = np.searchsorted(mcmc_best[:, -1], model_chichi) - 1 MCMC_plot_model(fit, mcmc_best[indice], mcmc_best[indice, -1], figure_axes[0], scalar_couleur_map) plt.colorbar(scalar_couleur_map, ax=figure_axes[0]) figure_axes[0].text(0.01, 0.97, 'provided by pyLIMA', style='italic', fontsize=10, transform=figure_axes[0].transAxes) figure_axes[0].invert_yaxis() MCMC_plot_residuals(fit, mcmc_best[0], figure_axes[1]) return figure_lightcurves
[docs]def MCMC_plot_model(fit, parameters, couleurs, figure_axes, scalar_couleur_map): """ Plot a model to a given figure, with the color corresponding to the objective function of the model. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param parameters: the parameters [list] of the model you want to plot. :param couleurs: the values of the objective function for the model that match the color table scalar_couleur_map :param figure_axes: the axes where the plot are draw :param scalar_couleur_map: a matplotlib table that return a color given a scalar value (the objective function here) """ min_time = min([min(i.lightcurve_magnitude[:, 0]) for i in fit.event.telescopes]) max_time = max([max(i.lightcurve_magnitude[:, 0]) for i in fit.event.telescopes]) time_of_model = np.arange(min_time, max_time + 100, 0.01) reference_telescope = copy.copy(fit.event.telescopes[0]) reference_telescope.lightcurve_magnitude = np.array( [time_of_model, [0] * len(time_of_model), [0] * len(time_of_model)]).T reference_telescope.lightcurve_flux = reference_telescope.lightcurve_in_flux() reference_telescope.compute_parallax(fit.event, fit.model.parallax_model) pyLIMA_parameters = fit.model.compute_pyLIMA_parameters(parameters) flux_model = fit.model.compute_the_microlensing_model(reference_telescope, pyLIMA_parameters)[0] magnitude_model = microltoolbox.flux_to_magnitude(flux_model) figure_axes.plot(time_of_model, magnitude_model, color=scalar_couleur_map.to_rgba(couleurs), alpha=0.5)
[docs]def MCMC_plot_align_data(fit, parameters, ax): """ Plot the data on the figure. Telescopes are aligned to the survey telescope (i.e number 0). :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param parameters: the parameters [list] of the model you want to plot. :param ax: the matplotlib axes where you plot the data """ reference_telescope = fit.event.telescopes[0].name fs_reference = parameters[fit.model.model_dictionnary['fs_' + reference_telescope]] g_reference = parameters[fit.model.model_dictionnary['g_' + reference_telescope]] for telescope in fit.event.telescopes: if == reference_telescope: lightcurve = telescope.lightcurve_magnitude else: fs_telescope = parameters[fit.model.model_dictionnary['fs_' +]] g_telescope = parameters[fit.model.model_dictionnary['g_' +]] lightcurve = align_telescope_lightcurve(telescope.lightcurve_magnitude, fs_reference, g_reference, fs_telescope, g_telescope) ax.errorbar(lightcurve[:, 0], lightcurve[:, 1], yerr=lightcurve[:, 2], fmt='.', ax.legend(numpoints=1)
[docs]def MCMC_plot_residuals(fit, parameters, ax): """Plot the data residual on the appropriate figure. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param parameters: the parameters [list] of the model you want to plot. :param ax: the matplotlib axes where you plot the data """ for telescope in fit.event.telescopes: time = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 0] flux = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 1] error_flux = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 2] err_mag = microltoolbox.error_flux_to_error_magnitude(error_flux, flux) pyLIMA_parameters = fit.model.compute_pyLIMA_parameters(parameters) flux_model = fit.model.compute_the_microlensing_model(telescope, pyLIMA_parameters)[0] residuals = 2.5 * np.log10(flux_model / flux) ax.errorbar(time, residuals, yerr=err_mag, fmt='.') ax.set_ylim([-plot_residuals_windows, plot_residuals_windows])
[docs]def LM_parameters_result(fit): """ Produce a namedtuple object containing the fitted parameters in the fit.fit_results. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param fit_parameters: a namedtuple object containing the fitted parameters. :rtype: object """ fit_parameters = collections.namedtuple('Parameters', fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys()) for parameter in fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys(): setattr(fit_parameters, parameter, fit.fit_results[fit.model.model_dictionnary[parameter]]) setattr(fit_parameters, 'chichi', fit.fit_results[-1]) return fit_parameters
[docs]def MCMC_covariance(mcmc_chains): """ Estimate the covariance matrix from the mcmc_chains :param mcmc_chains: a numpy array representing the mcmc chains. :return : a numpy array representing the covariance matrix of your MCMC sampling. :rtype: array_like """ esperances = [] for i in xrange(mcmc_chains.shape[1] - 1): esperances.append(mcmc_chains[:, i] - np.median(mcmc_chains[:, i])) covariance_matrix = np.zeros((mcmc_chains.shape[1] - 1, mcmc_chains.shape[1] - 1)) for i in xrange(mcmc_chains.shape[1] - 1): for j in np.arange(i, mcmc_chains.shape[1] - 1): covariance_matrix[i, j] = 1 / (len(mcmc_chains) - 1) * np.sum( esperances[i] * esperances[j]) covariance_matrix[j, i] = 1 / (len(mcmc_chains) - 1) * np.sum( esperances[i] * esperances[j]) return covariance_matrix
[docs]def LM_fit_errors(fit): """ Estimate the parameters errors from the fit.fit_covariance matrix. :param fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a namedtuple object containing the square roots of parameters variance. :rtype: object """ keys = ['err_' + parameter for parameter in fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys()] parameters_errors = collections.namedtuple('Errors_Parameters', keys) errors = fit.fit_covariance.diagonal() ** 0.5 for i in fit.model.model_dictionnary.keys(): setattr(parameters_errors, 'err_' + i, errors[fit.model.model_dictionnary[i]]) return parameters_errors
[docs]def cov2corr(covariance_matrix): """Covariance matrix to correlation matrix. :param array_like covariance_matrix: a (square) numpy array representing the covariance matrix :return: a (square) numpy array representing the correlation matrix :rtype: array_like """ d = np.sqrt(covariance_matrix.diagonal()) correlation_matrix = ((covariance_matrix.T / d).T) / d return correlation_matrix
[docs]def LM_plot_lightcurves(fit): """Plot the aligned datasets and the best fit on the first subplot figure_axes[0] and residuals on the second subplot figure_axes[1]. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a figure representing data+model and residuals. :rtype: matplotlib_figure """ figure, figure_axes = initialize_plot_lightcurve(fit) LM_plot_align_data(fit, figure_axes[0]) LM_plot_model(fit, figure_axes[0]) LM_plot_residuals(fit, figure_axes[1]) return figure
[docs]def LM_plot_parameters(fit): """ NOT USED """ figure, axes = initialize_plot_parameters() return figure
[docs]def initialize_plot_lightcurve(fit): """Initialize the lightcurve plot. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a matplotlib figure and the corresponding matplotlib axes :rtype: matplotlib_figure,matplotlib_axes """ figure, figure_axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) figure_axes[0].grid() figure_axes[1].grid() figure.suptitle(, fontsize=30) return figure, figure_axes
[docs]def initialize_plot_parameters(fit): """Initialize the parameters plot. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :return: a matplotlib figure and the corresponding matplotlib axes. :rtype: matplotlib_figure,matplotlib_axes """ dimension_y = np.floor(len(fit.fits_result) / 3) dimension_x = len(fit.fits_result) - 3 * dimension_y figure, figure_axes = plt.subplots(dimension_x, dimension_y) return figure, figure_axes
[docs]def LM_plot_model(fit, figure_axe): """Plot the microlensing model from the fit. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param matplotlib_axes figure_axe: a matplotlib axes correpsonding to the figure. """ min_time = min([min(i.lightcurve_magnitude[:, 0]) for i in fit.event.telescopes]) max_time = max([max(i.lightcurve_magnitude[:, 0]) for i in fit.event.telescopes]) time = np.linspace(min_time, max_time + 100, 30000) reference_telescope = copy.copy(fit.event.telescopes[0]) reference_telescope.lightcurve_magnitude = np.array( [time, [0] * len(time), [0] * len(time)]).T reference_telescope.lightcurve_flux = reference_telescope.lightcurve_in_flux() reference_telescope.compute_parallax(fit.event, fit.model.parallax_model) pyLIMA_parameters = fit.model.compute_pyLIMA_parameters(fit.fit_results) flux_model = fit.model.compute_the_microlensing_model(reference_telescope, pyLIMA_parameters)[0] magnitude = microltoolbox.flux_to_magnitude(flux_model) figure_axe.plot(time, magnitude, 'r', lw=2) figure_axe.set_ylim( [min(magnitude) - plot_lightcurve_windows, max(magnitude) + plot_lightcurve_windows]) figure_axe.invert_yaxis() figure_axe.text(0.01, 0.97, 'provided by pyLIMA', style='italic', fontsize=10, transform=figure_axe.transAxes)
[docs]def LM_plot_residuals(fit, figure_axe): """Plot the residuals from the fit. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param matplotlib_axes figure_axe: a matplotlib axes correpsonding to the figure. """ for telescope in fit.event.telescopes: time = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 0] flux = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 1] error_flux = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 2] err_mag = microltoolbox.error_flux_to_error_magnitude(error_flux, flux) pyLIMA_parameters = fit.model.compute_pyLIMA_parameters(fit.fit_results) flux_model = fit.model.compute_the_microlensing_model(telescope, pyLIMA_parameters)[0] residuals = 2.5 * np.log10(flux_model / flux) figure_axe.errorbar(time, residuals, yerr=err_mag, fmt='.') figure_axe.set_ylim([-plot_residuals_windows, plot_residuals_windows]) figure_axe.invert_yaxis()
[docs]def LM_plot_align_data(fit, figure_axe): """Plot the aligned data. :param object fit: a fit object. See the microlfits for more details. :param matplotlib_axes figure_axe: a matplotlib axes correpsonding to the figure. """ reference_telescope = fit.event.telescopes[0].name fs_reference = fit.fit_results[fit.model.model_dictionnary['fs_' + reference_telescope]] g_reference = fit.fit_results[fit.model.model_dictionnary['g_' + reference_telescope]] for telescope in fit.event.telescopes: if == reference_telescope: lightcurve = telescope.lightcurve_magnitude else: fs_telescope = fit.fit_results[fit.model.model_dictionnary['fs_' +]] g_telescope = fit.fit_results[fit.model.model_dictionnary['g_' +]] lightcurve = align_telescope_lightcurve(telescope.lightcurve_magnitude, fs_reference, g_reference, fs_telescope, g_telescope) figure_axe.errorbar(lightcurve[:, 0], lightcurve[:, 1], yerr=lightcurve[:, 2], fmt='.', figure_axe.legend(numpoints=1)
[docs]def align_telescope_lightcurve(lightcurve_telescope_mag, fs_reference, g_reference, fs_telescope, g_telescope): """Align data to the survey telescope (i.e telescope 0). :param array_like lightcurve_telescope_mag: the survey telescope in magnitude :param float fs_reference: the survey telescope reference source flux (i.e the fitted value) :param float g_reference: the survey telescope reference blending parameter (i.e the fitted value) :param float fs_telescope: the telescope source flux (i.e the fitted value) :param float g_reference: the telescope blending parameter (i.e the fitted value) :return: the aligned to survey lightcurve in magnitude :rtype: array_like """ time = lightcurve_telescope_mag[:, 0] magnitude = lightcurve_telescope_mag[:, 1] err_mag = lightcurve_telescope_mag[:, 2] flux = microltoolbox.magnitude_to_flux(magnitude) flux_normalised = (flux - (fs_telescope * g_telescope)) / ( fs_telescope) * fs_reference + fs_reference * g_reference magnitude_normalised = microltoolbox.flux_to_magnitude(flux_normalised) lightcurve_normalised = [time, magnitude_normalised, err_mag] lightcurve_mag_normalised = np.array(lightcurve_normalised).T return lightcurve_mag_normalised ### TO DO : some parts depreciated ####
[docs]def errors_on_fits(self, choice): if len(self.event.fits[choice].fit_covariance) == 0: print 'There is no way to produce errors without covariance at this stage' else: self.event.fits[choice].fit_errors = np.sqrt( self.event.fits[choice].fit_covariance.diagonal())
[docs]def find_observables(self): count = 0 self.observables_dictionnary = {'to': 0, 'Ao': 1, 'tE': 2, 'Anow': 3, 'Ibaseline': 4, 'Ipeak': 5, 'Inow': 6} self.observables_dictionnary = OrderedDict( sorted(self.observables_dictionnary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])) for i in self.event.fits_results: observables = [] parameters = i[3] to = parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary['to']] uo = parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary['uo']] tE = parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary['tE']] t = Time(datetime.utcnow()) # tnow=t.jd1+t.jd2 tnow = 150 Ao = microlmagnification.amplification(self.event.fits_models[count][2], np.array([to]), parameters, self.event.telescopes[0].gamma)[0][0] Anow = \ microlmagnification.amplification(self.event.fits_models[count][2], np.array([tnow]), parameters, self.event.telescopes[0].gamma)[0][0] observables.append(to) observables.append(Ao) observables.append(tE) observables.append(Anow) Ibaseline = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10( parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]] * ( 1 + parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'g_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]])) Ipeak = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10( parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]] * ( Ao + parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'g_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]])) Inow = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10( parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]] * ( Anow + parameters[self.event.fits_models[count][2].model_dictionnary[ 'g_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]])) observables.append(Ibaseline) observables.append(Ipeak) observables.append(Inow) self.observables.append([i[0], i[1], i[2], observables])
[docs]def find_observables_errors(self): for i in xrange(len(self.event.fits_results)): parameters = self.observables[i][2] parameters_errors = self.error_parameters[i][2] to = self.event.fits_results[i][2][0] uo = self.event.fits_results[i][2][1] tE = self.event.fits_results[i][2][2] Ao = parameters[1] err_Ao = parameters_errors[1] * 8 / ( parameters[1] ** 2 * (parameters[1] ** 2 + 4) ** 1.5) Anow = parameters[3] jd1, jd2 = Time(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) tnow = jd1 + jd2 unow = np.sqrt(uo ** 2 + (tnow - to) ** 2 / tE ** 2) err_Anow = (uo * parameters_errors[1] * np.abs((tnow - to)) / tE ** 3 * ( tE * parameters_errors[0] + np.abs((tnow - to)) * parameters_errors[2])) / unow observables_errors = [] observables = [] observables_errors.append(parameters_errors[0]) observables_errors.append(err_Ao) observables_errors.append(parameters_errors[2]) observables_errors.append(err_Anow) start = len(parameters) - 2 * len(self.event.telescopes) - 1 for j in xrange(len(self.event.telescopes)): Ibaseline = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10(parameters[start] * (1 + parameters[start])) Ipeak = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10(parameters[start] * (Ao + parameters[start])) observables.append(Ibaseline) observables.append(Ipeak) start += 2 self.observables.append([i[0], i[1], observables])
[docs]def errors_on_observables(self): for i in self.event.fits_covariance: self.error_parameters.append([i[0], i[1], np.sqrt(i[2].diagonal)])
[docs]def student_errors(self): alpha = 0.05 ndata = len(self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve_flux) npar = 5 dof = ndata - npar tval = student.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, dof) lower = [] upper = [] for i in xrange(len(self.event.fits_covariance[0][2].diagonal())): sigma = self.event.fits_covariance[0][2].diagonal()[i] ** 0.5 lower.append(self.event.fits_results[0][2][i] - sigma * tval) upper.append(self.event.fits_results[0][2][i] + sigma * tval) self.upper = upper self.lower = lower
[docs]def K2_C9_outputs(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # first produce aligned lightcurve# time = [] mag = [] err_mag = [] groups = [] time = time + self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve[:, 0].tolist() mag = mag + self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve[:, 1].tolist() err_mag = err_mag + self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve[:, 2].tolist() groups = groups + [self.event.telescopes[0].name] * len(self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve) for i in self.event.telescopes[1:]: time = time + i.lightcurve[:, 0].tolist() Mag = i.lightcurve[:, 1] flux = 10 ** ((27.4 - Mag) / 2.5) err_flux = np.abs(-i.lightcurve[:, 2] * flux / (2.5) * np.log(10)) flux_normalised = self.event.fits[0].fit_results[ self.event.fits[0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]] * (( flux / self.event.fits[ 0].fit_results[ self.event.fits[ 0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' +]] - self.event.fits[ 0].fit_results[ self.event.fits[ 0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'g_' +]]) + self.event.fits[ 0].fit_results[ self.event.fits[ 0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'g_' + self.event.telescopes[ 0].name]]) err_flux_norm = err_flux / flux * flux_normalised mag_norm = 27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10(flux_normalised) err_mag_norm = 2.5 * err_flux_norm / (flux_normalised * np.log(10)) mag = mag + mag_norm.tolist() err_mag = err_mag + err_mag_norm.tolist() groups = groups + [] * len(i.lightcurve) lightcurve_data = np.array([time, mag, err_mag, groups]).T # produce model lightcurve time = np.arange(min(self.event.telescopes[0].lightcurve[:, 0]), max(time) + 100, 0.01) ampli = microlmagnification.amplification(self.event.fits[0].model, time, self.event.fits[0].fit_results, 0.5)[0] flux = self.event.fits[0].fit_results[self.event.fits[0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'fs_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]] * ( ampli + self.event.fits[0].fit_results[ self.event.fits[0].model.model_dictionnary[ 'g_' + self.event.telescopes[0].name]]) mag = (27.4 - 2.5 * np.log10(flux)).tolist() err_mag = [0.001] * len(time) time = time.tolist() lightcurve_model = np.array([time, mag, err_mag]).T # produce parameters Parameters = [] Names = [] Uo = self.event.fits[0].fit_results[self.event.fits[0].model.model_dictionnary['uo']] Ao = (Uo ** 2 + 2) / (Uo * (Uo ** 2 + 4) ** 0.5) err_Ao = (8) / (Uo ** 2 * (Uo ** 2 + 4) ** 1.5) * \ (self.event.fits[0].fit_covariance.diagonal() ** 0.5)[1] Parameters.append(Ao) Parameters.append(err_Ao) Names.append('PYLIMA.AO') Names.append('PYLIMA.SIG_AO') names = ['TE', 'TO', 'UO'] Official = ['tE', 'to', 'uo'] for i in xrange(len(Official)): index = self.event.fits[0].model.model_dictionnary[Official[i]] Parameters.append(self.event.fits[0].fit_results[index]) Parameters.append((self.event.fits[0].fit_covariance.diagonal() ** 0.5)[index]) Names.append('PYLIMA.' + names[i]) Names.append('PYLIMA.SIG_' + names[i]) Parameters = np.array([Names, Parameters]).T count = 0 for i in self.event.telescopes: index = np.where(lightcurve_data[:, 3] ==[0] colors = np.random.uniform(0, 10) plt.scatter(lightcurve_data[index, 0].astype(float), lightcurve_data[index, 1].astype(float), c=( np.random.randint(0, float(len(self.event.telescopes))) / float( len(self.event.telescopes)), np.random.randint(0, float(len(self.event.telescopes))) / float( len(self.event.telescopes)), np.random.randint(0, float(len(self.event.telescopes))) / float( len(self.event.telescopes)), 1),, s=25) count += 1 plt.legend(scatterpoints=1) plt.plot(lightcurve_model[:, 0], lightcurve_model[:, 1], 'g') return Parameters, lightcurve_model, lightcurve_data